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How to draw circle, rectangle and triangle by canvas in Android?

Hi... friends, welcome to Bit Byte. This video is How to draw circles, rectangles, and triangles by canvas on Android?

The Android Canvas provides convenient methods for drawing simple shapes such as circles and rectangles, using drawCircle and drawRect respectively, but beyond these, the majority of shapes require some custom Path logic to draw. Three shapes that I was required to draw were circle, rectangle, and triangle, so I thought I’d share how I accomplished this. And hard copy code is below this link. GitHub -


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Connect to MySQL with PHP in XAMPP or WAMP server || MySQL database connection with PHP

This video will discuss how to connect to MySQL with PHP. I'm using PhpMyAdmin and connect MySQL database with PHP using the WAMP server. And you can use this code any php server. . . . WampServer Version 3.1.9 64bit Created by Romain Bourdon (2005) Maintainer / Upgrade to 2.5 by Herve Leclerc Upgrade to 3 by Otomatic ( Multi styles for homepage by Jojaba Installer by Inno Setup: Forum Wampserver: ______________________ Versions used ______________________ Apache 2.4.39 Port 80- PHP 7.2.18 MySQL 5.7.26 Port 3308 PHP 5.6.40 for CLI (Command-Line Interface) CODE:- <?php //DB connection // new mysqli(host, user, password, database name); $connect = new mysqli("localhost:3308", "bit", "bitbyte", "bit_yt"); //Check connection if($connect->connect_error){ echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: ". $connect->connect_error; exit(); } ...

AJAX call in jQuery get and post method | ajax call in PHP using jQuery | ajax call with example

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